Creating Better Days
Regardless of the Hand You're Dealt
Contrary to what most of us have seen from many of the salespeople who call on us, selling is a process, not an event. When selling is viewed and practiced as a process, the quality of the selling experience (for salespeople and their customers) will improve dramatically. So will the sales results.
In this uncertain economy, individuals can learn to shift from perceiving happiness as a ‘situational phenomenon’ to being happy with no specific reason at all, and they can do this by bringing principle-based living to center stage. In this upbeat presentation, Jim Bearden will offer alternative perspectives on the quality of our days. Using plenty of humor and his own experiences, Jim offers down-to-earth answers for Creating Better Days.
A Tale of two perspectives
"Some days are diamonds; some days are stones." John Denver sang it, and most of us live it. What determines the quality of your days? We'll find some answers to that question. More importantly, we'll come up with an even better question and a liberating answer.
One 'Peeve' at a Time
How many "bad" days have we suffered through, victims of the "if only(s)..."? Or "If only I'd done (fill in the blank), it would have been a better day." We'll look behind the "if only(s)" and find the true source of their power over the quality of our days. Bring a mirror!
What You Really Believe
Wayne Dyer's book "You'll See It When You Believe It" is more than a play on an old saying. It's the truth. And it's the truth whether your beliefs are valid or mistaken. Discover that What you see reflects what you believe. Can you believe it?
Better Beliefs and Better Days
If you want to correct a recurring problem, you'll need to do more than treat the symptoms; you'll have to treat the cause. Having better days is...and always has option for all of us. Finally, you'll develop a process for Creating Better Days, Regardless of the Hands You're Dealt.
“The event was EXACTLY what we were looking for and we are so appreciative of our new found relationship with you and the learning that is resulting. We are very enthusiastic about putting your lessons to use in some very prominent ways at PEC.”